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Writer's pictureLesli Gresholdt

Grace Holistic Center for Education leads the way in addressing the youth mental health crisis

September 16, 2024 Grace Holistic Center for Education

A 501(c)3 non-profit, ISBE registered Pre-K to 12th grade school located in Yorkville, Illinois Tairi Grace, Executive Director Grace Holistic Center for Education in Yorkville, Illinois, leads the way in addressing the youth mental health crisis with its Dynamic Whole-Child Approach to K-12 Education.

Founded in 2016, Grace Holistic Center for Education (GHCFE) is a non-public/nonprofit school registered with the State of Illinois and the Illinois Board of Education, serving students in Yorkville and surrounding Chicagoland communities.

GHCFE’s mission is to further the illumination of the human spirit. 

This endeavor is pursued by encompassing mind, body, spirit, and academics in our whole child approach to education. We offer an integrative learning experience that provides a wide range of curriculum serving Pre-K through 12th Grade learners.

Key features of our dynamic whole-child education model include:

  • Mental health support and Mindfulness curriculum

  • Yoga, Meditation, Regulation and Self Care

  • Family & Community Engagement, promoting Global Citizenship through Service

  • Academics centered on the Individual Learner

  • Sustainability, Climate Action & Conservation Efforts

GHCFE is pleased to provide this introduction and overview of our holistic, whole-child, approach to education.

kids playing outside and doing yoga and having classes

Mental Health Mindfulness, & Supporting the Whole Child

The school’s founder and Executive Director, Tairi Grace, a licensed clinical social worker with two decades experience working with children, recognized the need for a more holistic approach to traditional education. “Education should not be just about academics. Our job is to educate the mind, body, and spirit as well as teaching our students invaluable life skills, intrapersonal skills, and intrapersonal skills”.

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there is a concerning trend about high school students in the United States. In a recent ten-year study of Youth Risk Behavior, results show that In 2021, more than 4 in 10 (42%) students felt persistently sad or hopeless and nearly one-third (29%) experienced poor mental health. In 2021, more than 1 in 5 (22%) students seriously considered attempting suicide and 1 in 10 (10%) attempted suicide.

These figures highlight the need for more therapeutic support for our nation’s youth, and Grace Holistic Center for Education is at the forefront of a whole-child integrated approach to learning. GHCFE provides robust social and emotional support services as a foundation for learning, recognizing that students’ well-being is crucial for their academic and personal success. This support helps create an equitable learning environment where all students can thrive. Many GHCFE students experience emotional or behavioral challenges and struggle to be successful in public school settings. We address and promote mental health and do our best to de-stigmatize a student’s need for therapy or social work support.

Through a partnership with Aurora University’s School of Social Work, a team of Social Work Master Student Interns join Grace Holistic for the entire academic year, working under the daily supervision of an experienced licensed clinical social worker as well as a licensed social worker.This mutually beneficial program helps mental health counselors in training gain practical life experience while providing much needed therapeutic support in school. 

This enables every student enrolled at GHCFE to have an assigned social work intern that will support them throughout the year with weekly check-ins and additional therapeutic services as needed. Our students feel safe at GHCFE because there is always someone there to support them in challenging times or as conflict arises.  Student struggles are met immediately with the tools and resources they need for self-care and academic success, preventing what could have turned into a disciplinary incident or worse. GHCFE provides this robust social and emotional support because they recognize a students’ well-being is crucial for their academic and personal success.

Mindfulness Program

Mindfulness is defined as being completely present in the moment one is currently experiencing. Practicing mindfulness can positively affect all other executive functioning. A recent study published by the Boston Charter Research Collaborative — a partnership between the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University (CEPR), MIT, and Transforming Education suggests that mindfulness education can reduce the negative effects of stress and increase students’ ability to stay engaged, helping them stay on track academically and avoid behavior problems.

The benefits of practicing mindfulness are:

· Reduced stress levels

· Improved health

· Improved working memory

· Reduced anxiety

· Better self-regulation


The results of practicing mindfulness are:

· Properly identifying their feelings and responding to those appropriately

· An increased ability to focus and tune out distraction 

· Increased ability to regulate their response to stressful situations

 All students participate in weekly Mindfulness class through the duration of the school year.  Classroom lessons and activities are intended to help students as they grow and cope with age-appropriate life skills such as: social interactions and conflict resolution, time management and organization, behavior and self-control, teamwork, respect and empathy for others, dealing with peer pressure, and more.  The program is measured using a quantitative assessment given at the start and conclusion of each school year, so curriculum adjustments can be made for ongoing improvement and to ensure maximum benefits for students. 

Self Care, Regulation, Yoga and Meditation

Self-regulation is the development of children’s ability to monitor and control their behavior, energy, emotions, and thoughts in an acceptable behavior. It involves resisting the impulse to react to a stimulus in a highly emotional demeanor and understanding how to regulate themselves and calm their emotions and handle them in a healthy way.

Self-regulation doesn’t just apply to children’s emotional health. It also applies to their cognitive ability and relationships with other people. A child’s lack of self-soothing skills can hinder their learning in the classroom. That is why we believe it is important to integrate yoga, meditation, and self care into daily curriculum. Yoga helps children develop self-regulation skills in various ways so that they can connect with other people and engage in the classroom.  At GHCFE, all students (Pre-K to 12th Grade) begin the day with yoga and meditation exercises.  This helps students learn self-regulation and care techniques, as well as prepare for a successful day of learning.

Engaging the Learner, their Family, and Community: Global Citizenship Benefits

Another unique feature of a whole-child approach includes engaging students as well as their family and community, which has collective benefits for all.

One of the ways we achieve this objective is by cultivating active parent involvement, along with expanding global citizenship through service. Holistic instruction doesn’t cease at the end of the academic day, but continues to the home and community. 

GHCFE promotes strong connections with families, encouraging their active involvement in the educational process as well as through acts of service supporting the school and greater community. This collaboration ensures that the school’s programs are responsive to the needs of the student and family, but integrates a sense of greater citizenship for all involved.  GHCFE encourages students to engage with their community through service projects and local volunteer initiatives. This involvement helps students understand and address community issues, fostering a sense of social responsibility and equity. 

GHCFE hosts a micro food pantry on site, designed to serve the local community in need of some extra non-perishable food items. The school also partners with an Animal Rescue Organization called “Fur Angels” to host animals in their Pet Therapy program until they are adopted. Students participate in caring, cleaning, and feeding the animals while they are fostered at the school. GHCFE hosts and/or participates in over a dozen service initiatives each school year including visits to their neighboring senior residential care facility, the local food pantry, and other school wide charitable efforts supporting those in need.  To further ties with students and families in the community, GHCFE hosts public events welcoming families to the seasonal festivities like the “Goblin Games” each fall, a Bunny Brunch every Spring, and a Color Run at the end of the school year.  These activities help model and encourage students to be a global citizen and support others in their community.

GHCFE Academics: A learner-centered environment 

Some students struggle with the traditional American school experience and need a different type of environment in order to be successful. Although many mainstream schools receive a large amount of funding and excellent resources of technology, curriculum, and faculty, many students with special and/or unique qualities all too often fall through the cracks. 

Innovative schools are designed to educate students who have not been successful in traditional education systems by providing a different approach. There are multiple reasons why someone may begin attending an innovative school, but they often relate to the student not thriving in a traditional school. Specific reasons include trouble learning in a traditional classroom, a need for more support and guidance, not being challenged at their current school, or experiencing isolation or social issues because their type of intelligence does not quite fit the mold of the traditional classroom. In addition, many parents choose innovative schools to provide their children with instruction beyond the one-dimensional aspect of traditional schools. 

In the postmodern era of globalization and interconnectedness of our lives, it is important for students to be able to think analytically and to gain social acuity. Learner-centered innovative schools can individualize a student’s education in ways that are often not possible at larger schools.  GHCFE’s small teacher to student ratio prioritizes tailored attention to the unique needs of students and curricula can be customized to meet learners’ needs. This translates into increased learner engagement, better understanding of subject matter, and improved academic performance.

This approach also encourages student exploration into areas of interest, beyond the classroom lesson. GHCFE supports students' special interests by adapting course work allowing learners the opportunity to further research topics of interest. For example, if students are interested in how mechanical systems and engines work, the school invites a professional from that field to visit the school and speak to students, (or) coordinates a field trip to a local mechanical shop. Business professionals, Elected Officials, Law Enforcement, First Responders, professional artists, and others regularly visit the school to speak with students and provide greater depth in the subject matter. 

Life Skills Program: Important Skills Beyond the Classroom The Life Skills class at Grace Holistic Center for Education is a vital component of our curriculum, designed to equip students with the essential tools and knowledge necessary to succeed in life beyond the classroom. This comprehensive course focuses on several core areas, including personal development, communication, financial literacy, practical skills, and problem-solving. By emphasizing self-awareness and self-esteem, students are encouraged to explore goal setting, time management, and the importance of mental health and stress management. Communication skills are honed through the practice of active listening, effective public speaking, and conflict resolution, which are essential for building strong interpersonal relationships and ensuring personal success in various environments. 

The course also emphasizes financial literacy, introducing students to the fundamentals of budgeting, financial planning, and understanding credit and financial institutions. Practical life skills, such as basic cooking, nutrition, laundry, and home maintenance, are taught to ensure students are prepared for independent living. Additionally, problem-solving and decision-making are critical components of the curriculum, with a focus on developing critical thinking, ethical decision-making, and creative problem-solving strategies. Social and emotional intelligence is also cultivated through lessons on empathy, cultural competence, diversity awareness, and developing healthy relationships. Together, these skills provide students with a well-rounded education, enabling them to thrive in their personal and professional lives.

Sustainability Course provides Opportunity to teach students about their Contributions to a healthier environment

Students at all levels participate in Sustainability Class at GHCFE.  The Sustainability Program is an integral part of academics that helps students understand how they contribute to the health of our environment and planet.  Students will build and maintain a school garden, learn how to compost waste, or maybe even learn how to make soap using organic materials.

Sustainability lessons also help learners understand global climate concerns, as well as  actions needed to sustain life on our planet.  Students will participate in school wide sustainability project each year, and GHCFE has been recognized for its efforts.

Grace Holistic Center for Education is the recipient of two Illinois Green School Awards:

2023 Path to Zero Energy Award Winner – Project: Solar Energy

2024 Path to Zero Water Award Winner – Project: Water Conservation

In Conclusion

At Grace Holistic Center for Education, we incorporate several distinctive elements into daily life. Now, more than ever, it’s crucial to focus on a child's social-emotional growth alongside academic learning for a truly holistic educational experience. By combining therapeutic support with personalized learning plans that center on the student, we can nurture the child through every stage of development and enhance their overall educational success.

If you are interested in learning more about this dynamic school, please visit us online at and follow our communities on social media. 

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